5 Best Home Workout Routine


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Staying active is key to good health, and home workouts offer flexibility and convenience, making it easier to stay fit. Not following a workout routine can lead to weight gain, reduced energy, and increased stress, impacting overall health and well-being. Busy schedules and lack of gym time can make it difficult to maintain a routine.

However, many people face this problem of not having time to go to the gym. Worry not our Look Out Healthy team has researched and listed best home workout routine that is easy to follow and can be completed within 15 minutes.

Here’s a table of contents for our home workout routine. Click to jump to full workout details, benefits, and a pro tip.

Bodyweight Squats38-121-2 minutes
Push-ups38-121-2 minutes
Mountain Climbers330-60 seconds1-2 minutes
Plank Hold330-60 seconds1-2 minutes
Lunges (per leg)38-121-2 minutes
This routine can be done at home with no equipment and is suitable for all fitness levels.

1. Bodyweight Squats

Fitness Model Doing Bodyweight Squats workout in home

How to do it:

  1. Stand with Proper Posture: Feet shoulder-width apart, toes forward or slightly outward.
  2. Lower Your Body: Slowly lower down into a squat, keeping weight in your heels.
  3. Pause and Hold: Pause for 1-2 seconds at the bottom of the squat.
  4. Stand Up: Return to standing by pushing through your heels.
  5. Repeat: Repeat for desired reps (3 sets of 8-12 reps).
Pro Tip: Imagine you're sitting back into a chair while squatting, keeping your chest lifted and your knees in line with your toes. This will help protect your knees and engage your glutes more effectively.

Benefits of Bodyweight Squats

  • Strengthens legs, glutes, and core
  • Improves balance and flexibility
  • Boosts metabolism and fat burning

Common Mistakes

  • Knees caving in: Keep aligned with toes
  • Leaning forward: Engage core for proper posture

2. Push-ups

Men Doing push ups workout in home

How to do it:

  1. Start in Plank Position: Hands shoulder-width apart, arms straight, and body in a straight line.
  2. Lower Your Body: Slowly lower your body down until your chest almost touches the ground.
  3. Pause and Hold: Pause for 1-2 seconds at the bottom of the push-up.
  4. Push Back Up: Push back up to the starting plank position.
  5. Repeat: Repeat for desired reps (3 sets of 8-12 reps).
Beginner option: Start by placing your knees on the ground and focus on keeping your body in a straight line from head to knees. This will help you build the necessary upper body and core strength before progressing to full push-ups.


  • Beginner: Knee push-ups or wall push-ups
  • Advanced: Decline push-ups or clap push-ups

Benefits of Push-ups:

  • Strengthens chest, shoulders, triceps, and core
  • Improves upper body endurance and stability

Common Mistakes:

  • Dropping hips: Keep body straight
  • Flaring elbows: Keep at a 45-degree angle to protect shoulders

Also Read | Calisthenics Workout Plan

3. Mountain Climbers

Man doing mountain climber workout in home

How to do it:

  1. Start in Plank Position: Hands shoulder-width apart, arms straight, and body in a straight line.
  2. Bring Knee Up: Bring one knee up towards your chest, keeping your foot flexed.
  3. Quickly Switch: Quickly switch to the other knee, mimicking running motion.
  4. Continue Alternating: Continue alternating legs as fast as possible.
  5. Repeat for Time: Repeat for desired time (30-60 seconds) or reps (3 sets of 30-60 reps).
Remember: Prioritize form over speed ensure proper technique before increasing your pace. Once your form is solid, gradually pick up the pace to boost intensity and maximize results.

Benefits of Mountain Climbers:

  • Builds cardiovascular endurance
  • Strengthens core, shoulders, and legs
  • Great fat-burning exercise

Common Mistakes:

  • Bouncing hips: Keep body steady, core engaged
  • The short range of motion: Bring knee to the chest

4. Plank Hold

Woman doing plank workout in home

How to do it:

  1. Start in Plank Position: Hands shoulder-width apart, arms straight, and body in a straight line.
  2. Engage Core: Activate your core muscles by drawing your belly button towards your spine.
  3. Hold Steady: Hold the plank position steady, avoiding any movement or wobbling.
  4. Maintain Proper Form: Keep shoulders down, chest up, and body in a straight line.
  5. Hold for Time: Hold the plank for the desired time (30-60 seconds) or as long as possible.
Key point: Maintain a neutral spine by keeping your hips level and aligned. Remember to breathe consistently throughout the hold to keep your core engaged and stable.

Benefits of Plank Hold:

  • Strengthens core, shoulders, and lower back
  • Improves posture and stability

Common Mistakes:

  • Sagging hips: Tighten core
  • Holding breath: Keep breathing evenly

Also Read | How To Speed Up Muscle Strain Recovery?

5. Lunges

Female doing lunges workout at home

How to do it:

  1. Stand with Feet Together: Stand with your feet together, hands by your sides.
  2. Take Large Step: Take a large step forward with one foot (either foot).
  3. Lower Body Down: Lower your body down until your back knee almost touches the ground.
  4. Push Back Up: Push back up to the starting position using your front leg.
  5. Repeat on the Other Side: Repeat on the other side with the opposite leg.
Focus on: To prevent strain and make the exercise more effective, remember to keep your upper body straight and ensure that your front knee is directly over your ankle.

Benefits of Lunges:

  • Strengthens legs and glutes
  • Improves balance, mobility, and flexibility

Common Mistakes:

  • Leaning forward: Maintain an upright torso
  • Knee passing toes: Keep the front knee above the ankle

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a home workout match the effectiveness of a gym session?

Yes, with the right exercises and consistency, home workouts can be just as effective for improving fitness and health.

What equipment do I need for a home workout routine?

Many home workouts require no equipment at all. For added variety, consider basic equipment like dumbbells, resistance bands, or a yoga mat.

How long should a home workout session be?

A home workout can be effective in as little as 15-30 minutes, depending on your fitness goals and the intensity of the exercises.

Are home workouts suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! Home workouts can be tailored to any fitness level, including beginners, by starting with basic exercises and gradually increasing difficulty.

What are the benefits of doing a home workout routine?

Home workouts offer flexibility, convenience, and privacy, and can help you stay consistent with your fitness goals without the need for a gym.

How often should I do home workouts to see results?

For visible results, aim for at least three to five home workouts per week. Consistency is key.