10 Testosterone Killing Foods


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Testosterone, the primary male sex hormone, plays a vital role in men’s health building muscle mass, promoting strength, supporting bone density, contributing to a healthy libido and sex drive, and even aiding cognitive function. However, as men age, testosterone production declines naturally, leading to issues like decreased energy, muscle loss, and lower sex drive.

While this decline is normal, certain dietary factors, including Testosterone Killing Foods, can unnecessarily accelerate the process. Surprisingly, some common foods and beverages may act as Testosterone Killing Foods  disrupting the body’s ability to optimally produce this vital hormone, causing a hormonal imbalance that worsens low testosterone effects.

By being aware of these 10 Testosterone Killing Foods and limiting them, you can help maintain optimal testosterone levels. This promotes overall vitality and hormonal health as you age.

1. Soy Products

Soy foods like tofu, soy milk, and edamame are packed with compounds called phytoestrogens. These plant compounds can mimic the effects of estrogen, the primary female sex hormone, in the body. While some estrogen is normal and needed in men, too much can start causing problems with testosterone production.1

The phytoestrogens in soy can disrupt how much natural testosterone your body makes by increasing estrogen levels and potentially blocking or inhibiting the synthesis of new testosterone. While having some soy products in moderation is generally considered safe, excessive intake may negatively impact your testosterone levels over time.

For men concerned about maintaining optimal testosterone, it’s wise to limit soy milk, tofu, edamame and other soy-based foods.

2. Alcohol

It’s a well-documented fact that alcohol has a negative impact on the body’s ability to produce testosterone. When you consume alcohol, your liver is forced to prioritize breaking it down and metabolizing the alcohol over other crucial functions like hormone production.2

Testosterone synthesis requires multiple steps by the liver, which gets disrupted. Chronic, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to a significant, long-lasting decrease in testosterone levels. This hormonal imbalance with low testosterone contributes to various unfavorable health issues in men such as decreased muscle mass, reduced libido and sex drive, mood changes, and even an increased risk of certain cancers. Limiting alcohol intake is important for maintaining healthy testosterone levels.3

3. Mint

Mint is a very popular herb used liberally in foods, drinks, candies and more across many cuisines. However, mint contains specific compounds that research shows can potentially lower testosterone levels in men when consumed in significant quantities. The exact mechanisms aren’t fully clear yet.4

Having some mint here and there, such as in tea, gum, or as a garnish, is unlikely to cause any significant issues with testosterone. But excessive intake of mint, especially through concentrated mint supplements or extracts, may be enough to disrupt the body’s delicate hormonal balance.

If you’re concerned about keeping your testosterone optimal, it’s advisable to limit your overall mint consumption.

4. Licorice Root

Licorice root has grown in popularity as an ingredient in candies, beverages, and even supplements. But this root contains a compound called glycyrrhizic acid that can interfere with testosterone levels in the body. Glycyrrhizic acid is the main active component that gives licorice its distinctively sweet flavor.

This acid has been shown to negatively impact both the production and metabolism (breaking down) of testosterone. So not only can it hinder the body’s ability to synthesize new testosterone, but it may also impact how existing testosterone gets utilized.5

While an occasional licorice-flavored treat is unlikely to cause issues, regular or high consumption of licorice root or licorice-containing products may lead to unwanted decreases in testosterone levels over time.

5. Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds are widely touted for their impressive nutrient profile and potential health benefits like reducing cancer risk and promoting heart health. However, these tiny seeds also contain lignans, which are compounds that can mimic estrogen’s effects in the body when consumed.

For men, consuming excessive amounts of flaxseeds may allow too many of these estrogen-like lignans to circulate, potentially disrupting the careful balance of sex hormones like testosterone. While flaxseeds in moderation can be a great addition to a balanced diet, overdoing it on flaxseed consumption could potentially lower testosterone levels to an undesirable degree in some men.6 Moderation is key.

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6. Vegetable Oils

Many of the most commonly consumed vegetable oils like soybean, corn, and sunflower oils are exceptionally high in omega-6 fatty acids. While our bodies need some omega-6s, the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids in the modern diet is drastically skewed, contributing to chronic inflammation levels in the body.

This chronic, systemic inflammation that can result from an omega-6 heavy diet has been linked to numerous health issues including lower testosterone levels and other hormonal imbalances in men. Making the switch to healthier fat sources like olive oil, avocado oil, or nuts and seeds can help reduce inflammation and its potential impact on testosterone production.

7. Processed Foods

From chips and crackers to frozen meals and lunch meats, processed foods make up a large part of many modern diets. But these convenience foods often contain a cocktail of preservatives, artificial colors, flavors, and other additives that can potentially disrupt the body’s hormonal processes.7

Some of these substances in processed foods have been shown to either directly lower testosterone levels or indirectly interfere with the complex biological systems involved in maintaining proper testosterone production and regulation. 8

To promote optimal hormone health, experts recommend limiting processed foods as much as possible in favor of a diet focused on whole, minimally-processed foods.

8. Dairy Products

Despite the countless dietary recommendations to consume dairy products like milk and cheese for calcium and other nutrients, many dairy items can contain undesirable traces of hormones and growth promoting substances used in modern livestock production methods.

While the research is still emerging, some studies have suggested that these residual hormones and additives found in non-organic dairy may contribute to lowered testosterone levels in men who consume significant amounts. 9

To potentially mitigate this risk, choosing organic dairy products or plant-based dairy alternatives may be wise for men aiming to maintain healthy testosterone.

9. Sugary Foods and Drinks

It’s no secret that most people today consume far too much added sugar, primarily from sugary beverages like sodas and processed foods loaded with high fructose corn syrup or other added sweeteners. But this excessive sugar intake has been directly linked to lower testosterone levels in men.10

The likely mechanisms are that excessive sugar promotes weight gain, chronic inflammation, insulin resistance, and other metabolic issues all of which can negatively impact the body’s ability to properly synthesize and regulate testosterone. 11

Lowering intake of added sugars, while still allowing for moderate amounts from whole fruits and other natural sources, is crucial for sustaining healthy testosterone production and hormonal balance.

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10. Trans Fats

Trans fats, or partially hydrogenated oils, have rightly earned a reputation as one of the most unhealthy fats that should be avoided for overall health. These man-made fats are commonly found in fried foods from restaurants, certain baked goods, and many pre-packaged snacks.

In addition to their well-known risks for heart disease, research has also demonstrated that consuming high amounts of trans fats can significantly disrupt the body’s hormonal processes, potentially leading to reductions in testosterone levels in men over time.12

Avoiding trans fats as much as possible by carefully reading nutrition labels and opting for healthy unsaturated fat sources is recommended for supporting testosterone within a normal range.


Is high testosterone good?

High testosterone can be beneficial for muscle growth and energy but may cause health issues if excessively high.

Is garlic good for testosterone?

Yes, garlic can boost testosterone levels due to its allicin content.

Do bananas reduce testosterone?

No, bananas do not reduce testosterone; they are generally neutral or beneficial for hormone levels.

Do almonds lower testosterone?

No, almonds do not lower testosterone; they are a good source of healthy fats and nutrients.

What foods damage sperm?

Processed meats, high-fat dairy, and foods with trans fats can damage sperm quality and count.


In summary, the 10 testosterone killing foods discussed in this article include soy products, alcohol, mint, licorice root, flaxseeds, vegetable oils, processed foods, dairy products, sugary foods and drinks, and trans fats.

By making conscious choices to limit or avoid these foods, you can help maintain optimal testosterone levels and support overall hormonal health. Remember, moderation is key, and a balanced diet rich in whole, nutrient-dense foods can contribute to a healthy hormonal profile and overall well-being.

  1. The effects of soy protein or isoflavones on measures of endogenous sex hormones in healthy adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis” by PM Clifton et al. ↩︎
  2. Alcohol and male hormones” by NN Nestler et al. ↩︎
  3. Hypogonadism and male infertility” by A Matsumoto et al. ↩︎
  4. A Review of Androgen and Estrogen Receptor Activity of Dietary Phytochemicals” by Vladimir Vuksan et al. ↩︎
  5. Effect of licorice on sex hormones in healthy men” by M. Oishi et al. ↩︎
  6. Flaxseed and its lignan precursors: potential health benefits and risks” by KL Thompson et al. ↩︎
  7. Fats and Cholesterol: The Dietary Guidelines ↩︎
  8. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals: an understated threat to public health” by WM vom Saal et al. ↩︎
  9. Dairy products and male fertility” by A Afeiche et al. ↩︎
  10. Diet, lifestyle and male infertility” by A Agarwal et al. ↩︎
  11. The harmful effects of sugar revisited: an update for the new decade” by S Stanhope et al. ↩︎
  12. Dietary trans fat and its effects on female hormone profile and menstrual function” by L Lopez-Garcia et al. ↩︎